Mass Comm Week 2010 Schedule

Starting a New and Sustainable Publication
11am-12:20pm, OM 320
Melinda Garvey, Austin Woman; Pat Niekamp, Texas CEO; John Garrett, Community Impact
In an era when publications are closing, how does one start and build a sustainable media outlet? Learn how trailblazers Melinda Garvey, Pat Niekamp and John Garrett have succeeded in a time when most have given up.

What Graduates Need: A Skill Set to Sustain Your Career

11am-12:20pm, OM 232
Jill Byrd, KGBTexas; Patti Kelly, State Farm Insurance; Autumn Phillips, Herald-Zeitung

Get up-to-date suggestions from employers on what skills you will need to build and sustain your career.

Trends in Location-Based Social Networking
12:30-1:50pm, Hines 204
Jonathan Carroll, Gowalla; Simon Salt, Incslingers; Aaron Strout, Powered; Tony Avila Granados, One Taco
Learn how location-based social networks and mobile applications are being used to engage users, apply game mechanics to customer interactions and reward them for desired behaviors.

In-Depth Storytelling on the Radio

12:30-1:50pm, OM 234
Michael Olson, Public Media Texas

Terry Gildea, Texas Public Radio
Learn the art of storytelling on public radio.

Social Media Myths: Debunked! Developing Your Social Media Strategy
2-3:20pm, OM 320
Cheryl Donovan
Social media is the “buzz” on the web right now. Learn tips and tools for establishing your online presence, including: How to grow awareness around your brand, and how to establish yourself as a leader in your online niche.

Engaging and Connecting Business Communities through Compelling Content
2-3:20pm, OM 234
Elizabeth Quintanilla, EQ Consultants Group; Armando Rayo, Cultural Strategies
Learn through a series of interactive case studies how to use content to engage and connect with communities.

The Texas Tribune: Why We Need Public-Supported Media

3:30-4:45pm, ALK 250
Evan Smith, Texas Tribune
The Texas Tribune is influencing the future of media. Learn from Evan Smith why The Tribune was started, what the first year of publication has been like, and what the future may hold.

Marketing Media for the 21st Century
7:00 p.m., Round Rock, Avery 256
Brian Ligon, KVUE, TV

Trends in Entertainment Public Relations
9:30-10:50am, OM 320
Brett Cannon, Paperthin Media; Rebecca Feferman, SXSW; Elaine Garza, Giant Noise Media; Paul Osbon, Quiet Company
Learn from the panelists about the ins and outs of the entertainment PR industry, how they broke into the business and adapted to the evolving world of social media.

Building Corporate Support for Athletics
9:30-10:50am, OM 201
Richard Lopez & Ronald Oswalt, San Marcos Baptist Academy
Learn how San Marcos Baptist Academy has involved nearly 100 businesses in a networking system, and secured naming rights for their football field and basketball court.

Social Graces: Understanding and communicating with clients, co-workers, audiences and the media
9:30-10:50am, Hines 204
David Wyatt & Lauren Tuttle, WyattBrand; Nick Weynand, Trademark Media
They don’t call it “interactive” and “social” media for nothing. Digital tools are creating new and innovative ways to engage with one another, but the fundamental principles of how we engage with people has not changed. Whether you are developing a Web site, crafting a public relations campaign, or just connecting with a colleague—communicating effectively requires a fundamental understanding of what motivates people as well as a deeper knowledge of what you are communicating about. Learn how today’s agencies like Trademark Media and Wyatt Brand leverage digital media as just one part of a larger, strategic approach to serving their clients and understanding the marketplace at large. Join the conversation. #mcweek #socialgraces @nick_trademark @wyattbrand @laurenptuttle @txstatemcweek

Starting and Branding a TV Network

11am-12:20pm, Hines 204
Greg Neal, brand management consultant, Food Network, HGTV, OWN
When launching a television network, branding is crucial in order for a company to create an identity of its own. Hear how Greg Neal has helped build sustainable brands that impact the audience.

Humor Column Writing
11:00am – 12:20 p.m., OM 234
John Kelso, Austin American Statesman
Journalism – a funny business? For John Kelso it is. At this session, learn how your personality can drive your career.
Challenges for Multicultural Advertising Agencies
11am-12:20pm, OM 320
Mónica Sánchez, Austin Ad Fed – LatinWorks; Desirée Mata, LatinWorks; Carter Pagel – Sanders/Wingo
The Impact of Media Conglomeration on Global Issues
12:30-1:50pm, OM 234
Dr. Robert Jensen, The University of Texas
At a time when we need more intelligent reporting on complex issues with global implications, we are getting less. U.S. news media blame many of their troubles on the changing media landscape, as the internet has undermined the traditional media’s business model. But the core of the crisis of journalism is deeper, and media corporations are the perpetrators, not the victims.
Green Advertising, PR and Marketing
12:30-1:50pm, OM 232
Christine Cox, Chris Cox Communications, Ted Burton, EnviroMedia; Ginny Murphy, Advantage Graphics
For many businesses, being green brings the gold. From Walmart to the local organic farm, everyone is claiming to be green. Are these businesses really sustainable or are they simply green washing? What does it take to conduct an advertising or PR campaign for a truly green company and how do these campaigns differ from campaigns for other clients? Find out duringthis session.
Why go to Graduate School?
2-3:20pm, OM 238
Carly Smith, Mairin Heard, Dale Blasingame, Josh Shepherd
Come find out why some of our graduate students decided to go to graduate school and what they have learned along the way.

Tourism PR for Costa Rica and Beyond
2-3:20pm, OM 320
Sonia Diaz
Learn how PR is used to boost tourism around the world.

Outdoors Writing

2-3:20pm, OM 201
Mike Leggett, Austin American Statesman
Mike Leggett writes about what he loves: Texas and the outdoors. In this session, learn how your passions can influence your career.

The Impact of Media Conglomeration on Global Issues
Note: This presentation will be similar to the 12:30 presentation
3:30-4:45 pm, ASBS 315
Dr. Robert Jensen, professor, University of Texas School of Journalism
At a time when we need more intelligent reporting on complex issues with global implications, we are getting less. U.S. news media blame many of their troubles on the changing media landscape, as the internet has undermined the traditional media’s business model. But the core of the crisis of journalism is deeper, and media corporations are the perpetrators, not the victims.
Event Planning
3:30-4:45pm, CENT 157
Jenifer Glenn, Tenant Link, Inc./Let’s Party
Alumna Jenifer Glenn has been in the event planning business for over a decade. Learn what it takes to run a successful event planning business and tips on how to impress seasoned professionals.

Going Digital: Changes in the Advertising and PR Industry
3:30-4:45pm, OM 320
Brad Mays, Mike Cearley, Miker Stovall, Sarah Fulton, Fleishman-Hillard Digital

Three Texas State Alumni with very different backgrounds are now working together at Fleishman-Hillard to meet the needs of the new agency climate. They’ll discuss how they got from San Marcos to Dallas and the work they’ve done along the way, what they’re doing now and how it may help you understand the companies you may interview with.

Showing of documentary “Abe Osheroff: One Foot in the Grave, the Other Still Dancing”
5:00 pm, ASBS 315
Dr. Robert Jensen, professor, University of Texas School of Journalism
Most people knew Abe Osheroff as an activist. For most of his 92 years — from the frontlines of the Spanish Civil War to the picket lines of the U.S. labor movement, from the struggles for civil rights in Mississippi to his work for human rights in Nicaragua — Osheroff threw himself into the fray with rare energy and enthusiasm. In this film, Osheroff reflects on the meaning of his activism, sharing wisdom built up over a lifetime of commitment to making the world a better place.
Social Media Concepts and Policies in Texas State University Marketing
9:30-10:50am, OM 320
David King, Texas State University
In this session, learn how Texas State’s Marketing Department is helping our university grow.

The Voice of the Spurs
11am-12:20pm, OM 320
Bill Schoening, San Antonio Spurs
In this session, get play-by-play insight into sports broadcasting.

Bobcats with Great Internships
11am-12:20pm, ASBS 315
Jessie Spielvogel, Discovery Communications; Anisia Morales, Comcast Entertainment Group; Leigh Morgan, Texas Monthly; Aimee Villalobos, San Antonio Express-News; Lisa Carter, San Antonio Express-News
Come learn what you need to land a great internship and what these students learned while interning in the industry.

Some Assembly Required: Networking Guide for Graduates
11am-12:20pm, OM 234
Thom Singer, Business Development Consultant/Author
Networking. You hear about it, but how do you do it? Come to this session to hear Thom weigh in on how to create a sustainable career through networking.

Trends in Online News
12:30-1:50pm, HINES 204
Matt Stiles & Niran Babalola, Texas Tribune; Christian McDonald, Austin American Statesman; Jacqui Maher, New York Times
Online news interactives, programming, data and news apps are tools pushing innovation in news. Hear from some of the most progressive organizations using these techniques.

The Radio Audience and Arbitron Ratings
12:30-1:50pm, OM 232
Jenny Tsao, Arbitron
Find out how radio audiences are measured in the 21st century, and the challenges smartphones and new technologies present.

Creating Advertising with Impact
2-3:20pm, LBJSC 4-16.1
Brent Ladd, Group Creative Director, Sr. VP, GSD&M
In this session, learn what goes into creating an advertisement that impacts the masses.

Fashion Journalism
2-3:20pm, OM 320
Michael Quintanilla, San Antonio Express-News
Check out what’s in style in fashion journalism at Mass Comm Week 2010.

Dealing with the Media
3:30-4:50pm, ALK 250
Rich Oppel, Public Strategies
Gain insight into business PR from the unusual perspective of a longtime newspaper editor who crosses the Rubicon to help business executives deal with the news media. Rich will also discuss the 2010 campaign and TV — messaging, goofs and guffaws, and the state of the media in Texas. A quick tour of the state, from the perspective of journalism students looking for a job.

Writing Headlines in Print and on the Web
6:30 p.m. OM 320
Jennifer McInnis, San Antonio Express-News
Learn how to write headlines in print and on the Web from this Texas State alumna.
Sports Journalism
6:45 p.m. OM 234
Doug Pils, San Antonio Express-News
In this session, Doug will talk about his experiences as a sports reporter and editor, focusing on the information-gathering process as it relates to sports journalism. Doug previously worked for Newsday, the Associated Press in Arkansas, the Dallas Morning News, and the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung.
New Rules of PR: Game Changing Tips and Tools from the Trenches
9:30-10:50am, HINES 204
LuAnn Glowacz, WordCove; Jenna Oltersdorf, Snackbox; Rachel Farris, and Huffington Post; Lisa Peterson, Porter Novelli
In this session, learn new tools to research and track media, how and who to pitch, traditional PR rules that stand the test of time, the future of social media and PR: the good, the bad and the ugly.

How We Survived Economic Uncertainty
9:30-10:50am, OM 320
Michael Vivio, publisher, Austin American Statesman
What does it take for a newspaper to survive? Learn what the Statesman has had to do to have the number one online reach of any newspaper.

Welcome to College – A Discussion for Parents
9:30-10:50am, OM232
Financial Aid, Office of Admissions & School of Journalism & Mass Comm Advising
Parents of visiting high school student
s will learn the basics of sending the kids off to college.

Socially Conscious Jobs
11:00am-12:20pm, OM 320
Sarah Vela, HelpAttack!; David Neff, Lights. Camera. Help.; Ehren Foss, Prelude Interactive; Nathan Green, campus2careers
Come learn that you don’t have to join an agency or slave away in a cubicle when you graduate. Join three Central Texas business folks as they tell you about socially conscious jobs that have a triple bottom line of people, planet and profit.

The Future of Television
11:00am – 12:20pm, HINES 204
Bill Stotesbery, KLRU
See how KLRU has remained a sustainable non-profit medium in an advertising-laden media.

Advertising: Art or Science?
11:00am-12:20pm, OM 234
Jake Frick, Lopez Negrete Communications
From the point of view of a Hispanic advertising agency, learn how population and metrics are affecting the way agencies are approaching advertising and what it takes to get a job in an ever changing field.

Rising Stars of Texas State
11:00am-12:20pm, ASBN 150
School of Journalism & Mass Comm majors active in campus media & campus life
A panel of Texas State students will discuss what it takes to be successful in college. This panel is designed for college freshman and high school students but it is open to everyone.

In Times of Crisis, Get Creative
12:30-1:50pm, OM 234
Bob Rivard, editor and executive VP of the San Antonio Express-News
A conversation with students about making their way into the job market in the 21st century. Crisis always creates opportunity.
Creating a Sustainable Model for the Radio Industry
12:30-1:50pm, OM 201
Dee Kapila & Hawk Mendenhall, KUT Austin
In this session, learn how this public service committed station has sustained and flourished in the radio industry.

Shark Diver Magazine
2:00-3:20pm, OM 320
Eli Martinez, Shark Diver Magazine

Eli Martinez followed his dream and passion and began Shark Diver Magazine. In this session learn how to turn your dreams into your future.

How to Use Social Media in Marketing Your Event

2:00-3:20pm, OM 234
Jette Momant, Public Relations and Event Production Consultant, Jette Momant PR & Event Productions; Tolly Mosely, PR By the Book; Wesley Faulkner; Laura Villagran Johnson, Austin Social Planner Development Relations and Events Manager at KLRU-TV, Austin’s PBS; Camille Styles, Camille Styles Events, Style Notes
We are all on social media. So use it to your advantage. Learn how Jette Momant uses social media to create buzz about an event.

Wearing Many Hats in Radio
2-3:20pm, OM238
Deric Garza, web administrator and DJ, KGNB/KNBT radio New Braunfels
Garza has many titles at radio station KGNB/KNBT in New Braunfels. He is behind the scenes and on the air as a DJ. He’ll talk about life on the radio and how having many talents helps you get a job.

In Times of Crisis, Get Creative
Note: This presentation will be similar to the 12:30 presentation
3:30-4:50pm, ASBS 315
Bob Rivard, editor and executive VP of the San Antonio Express-News
A conversation with students about making their way into the job market in the 21st century. Crisis always creates opportunity.

PR and Advertising Alumni Panel
3:30-4:50pm, CENT 157
Cassandra Harrison, Noble Strategic Partners; Tracy Hinson, American Advertising Federation; Francisco Garcia, media specialist
Texas State graduates will discuss their experiences in the public relations and advertising industries.

Journalism and Broadcasting Alumni Panel
3:30-4:50pm, OM 320
Isadora Vail, Jason Buch, Brant Freeman
Texas State graduates will discuss their experiences in the journalism and broadcast industries.

Social Media Club Texas State Tweet Up
5:30pm until…, Sean Patricks, 202 E San Antonio St
Join @SMCTXST for drinks and conversations after an enriching and fun Mass Comm Week.

Welcome to Korea: The Country, The Culture, The Communications
6:30 – 7:15, Round Rock
Dr. Hanjun Ko, Kookmin University in Seoul, South Korea

2 thoughts on “Mass Comm Week 2010 Schedule

    • Author gravatar

      What a terrific talent lineup! Wish you could take this group on the road they’ll have so much to share – and in such diverse ways.

      – Sherry Lowry

    • Author gravatar

      I agree – it is an excellent line up you have!
      Glad to see that Brent Ladd is presenting. He’s fabulous but then again, I am a bit biased. 🙂
      Who can I contact to make a suggestion for next year’s panel?
      Eric Buchanan
      Talent Acquisition Manager
      GSD&M Idea City

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