Mass Comm Week Live Stream

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Tune in here to watch the following events live during Mass Comm Week (linked events are already recorded):

Trends in Location-Based Social Networking,12:30-1:50pm, Hines 204
Jonathan Carroll, Gowalla; Simon Salt, Incslingers; Aaron Strout, Powered

The Texas Tribune: Why We Need Public-Supported Media, 3:30-4:45pm, ALK 250
Evan Smith, Texas Tribune

Social Graces: Understanding and communicating with clients, co-workers, audiences and the media, 9:30-10:50am, Hines 204
David Wyatt & Lauren Tuttle, WyattBrand; Nick Weynand, Trademark Media

Starting and Branding a TV Network, 11am-12:20pm, Hines 204
Greg Neal, brand management consultant, Food Network, HGTV, OWN

Going Digital: Changes in the Advertising and PR Industry,
3:30-4:45pm, OM 320

Brad Mays, Mike Cearley, Miker Stovall, Fleishman-Hillard Digital

Some Assembly Required: Networking Guide for Graduates, 11am-12:20pm, OM 234
Thom Singer, Business Development Consultant/Author

Trends in Online News, 12:30-1:50pm, HINES 204
Matt Stiles & Niran Babalola, Texas Tribune; Christian McDonald, Austin American Statesman; Jacqui Maher, New York Times

Dealing with the Media, 3:30-4:50pm, ALK 250

Rich Oppel, Public Strategies

How We Survived Economic Uncertainty, 9:30-10:50am, OM 320
Michael Vivio, publisher, Austin American Statesman

Shark Diver Magazine, 2:00-3:20pm, OM 320

Eli Martinez, Shark Diver Magazine

Other events may be recorded and uploaded.

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