
Preview: James Aldrete & Frank Guerra–Targeting multicultural audiences in elections

On Tuesday, Oct. 21st at 2:00 P.M. in OM 234, James Aldrete and Frank Guerra will be speaking about the topic of targeting multicultural audiences in elections.

James Aldrete is active in the world of politics and was a campaign consultant for Larry Joe Dohert, who won a seat in the United States House of Representatives in March 2008. Aldrete also crafted Barak Obama’s media campaign and placement strategy for Texas. Aldrete has been said to be “the most talented politicial ad man of his generation in Texas.” When asked about what kind of impact the multicultural vote will have on this year’s election Aldrete believes the Latino vote in key swing states, including NV, NM, CO and FL has a chance to play a pivotal role.

“Bush won these states by less than 5%, and the Latino vote is more than 10% in each state. While Bush as Governor of Texas made significant inroads with the Latino electorate in Texas, Republicans for the most part have turned their backs on a moderate, inclusive approach to appease the anti-immigration factions of their base. I think that explains why Obama is doing so well among Latinos, especially in these states,” he said.
You can visit James Aldrete’s Web site for his political communications company, MAP, at http://www.mapwins.com/ .

Frank Guerra is the founder and CEO of Guerra, DeBerry & Coody Marketing and Communications. President Bush and Vice President Cheney called upon him in their 2000 campaign for an effective advertising strategy for the Republican National Committee’s Hispanic outreach campaign. His help resulted in capturing 35% of the Hispanic vote for the GOP and the Bush-Cheney campaign used his expertise again in their 2004 re-election. Both of the speakers are well qualified and will get an insider’s view on how to target and clench the minority votes in elections. You visit Frank Guerra’s Web site for DeBerry and Coody Marketing and Communications at http://www.gdc-co.com/

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