Three former Bobcats are now running their own businesses

TXST grads inform students entrepreneurship is possible

Three current entrepreneurs and Texas State graduates spoke to a theater room full of students about what it takes to start your own business and how easy it really can be if you have the dream to establish the foundation.

Storified by Jordan Brewer · Thu, Nov 01 2012 16:23:47

Continuing #mcweek we have three Texas State alums who have started their own businesses in media and are talking about how to start it allJordan Brewer
#TXST grads spoke to current students at #mcweek on entrepreneurship and owning our own business. Brewer
RT @sepatxstate: Any entrepreneurs out there? #TXST grads are speaking about their experience. Cent 157 session is about to start #mcweekJordan Johnson
So I had to work today but I’m glad I was able to make this next #mcweek session! "Entrepreneurship: How It’s Not Just a Pipe Dream"Selinda Sánchez
Excited to hear what Brett, the owner of @paperthin_media has to say at this #mcweek panel discussion #txstKara Guinn
Paper Thin Media Owner Brett Cannon’s definition of success- "doing what you want to do, being happy and satisfied." Brewer
If you can’t find a job, make a job – @brettcannon #mcweekTX State Mass Comm
Promote yourself because no one else will do it for you. — via Jessie Spielvogel at @txstatemcweek #mcweekSelinda Sánchez
Entrepreneurship is possible for a young graduate according to Brett Cannon, Jessie Speilvogel and Kristen Williams. #mcweek informing allJordan Brewer
Bobcat grads that chose entrepreneurship. #mcweekBrittany Black
RT @txstatemcweek: If you have a domain name & an idea, you have a business – Kristen Williams #mcweekSamantha Rodriguez
Taxes & insurance are biggest cons of owning your own biz, but benefits are flexibility & focusing on your passion. #mcweekTX State Mass Comm
Students were active with their questions and were eager to learn more even as the lecture wawilder at #mcweek Brewer
Great entrepreneurship session at #mcweek! Just incorporated in July, excited to learn from other small business owners!John Marden

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