evan smith
Evan Smith Talks About Interactive Storytelling During TXST Mass Comm Week

Evan Smith Talks About Interactive Storytelling During TXST Mass Comm Week

Texas State Students preparing for Evan Smith’s panel during Mass Comm Week by whipping out their phones.

Jon Zmikly, introducing Evan Smith during Texas State’s Mass Comm Week.

Evan smith, left, before starting his panel at Texas State’s Mass Comm Week.

Jon Zmikly, moderator of the Evan Smith panel, troubleshooting the live video broadcast during Mass Comm Week.

Evan Smith discussing the finer points of being a non-profit tech company at Texas State’s Mass Comm Week.

Evan Smith, left, during his panel at Texas State’s Mass Comm Week.

Evan Smith speaking to students during his panel at Mass Comm Week in Old Main 320.
Caitlin Clark, right, asking Evan Smith, left, a question during his panel at Mass Comm Week.

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