
Preview: Mike Chapman-Using New Media in Politcal Campaigns

Mike Chapman, first and foremost, is a Social Media enthusiast. With a career that started in Washington D.C., which includes working with the late J.J.Pickle and Senator Tim Johnson, Chapman obviously has a nose for politics, in which he learned that affective communication plays a very important part. He now applies this idea into his profession, which is in Social Media.
Chapman is the founder of Every Dot Connects– a Social Media Consortium, which is a web site dedicated to connecting people through conversation. Through this site, Chapman works with clients who have an interest in governmental affairs, specifically mass communications between politicians and their constituents. Other roles that Chapman holds at Every Dot Connects includes communication strategist, blogger, and online community addict.
Chapman is a co-founder of the Austin Social Media Club, which describes themselves as part think tank, part curiosity, all new media. Anyone can join this club and it is exactly how their slogan describes it. It is a group of people, using their brains together, geared to come up with more efficient ways to communicate.
Personally, I am looking forward to his lecture which is being held Oct. 23 in Old Main #320 at 9:30 a.m. I believe that Chapman is a pioneer in new and more affective ways to communicate, not only through politics, but for everybody. Hope to see you all there.

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