Professional gives advice to students seeking jobs
By Meredyth Wiegand
SAN MARCOS- Creative advertising professional, Bruce Bendinger spoke to Texas State University students about creating a personal brand while seeking a job in the 21st century.
In Bendinger’s lecture, he had three lessons stressing the importance on how students could better equip themselves as media professionals. He had one simple idea, media is evolving and this evolution is creating a revolution.
“This revolution is creating a real change to who we are as a society and as individuals,” Bendinger said. “We are all broadcasters and we can all be a part of the media.”
One of the changes students will see once they enter the job market today is they have to invent their jobs. Bendinger said this is the biggest change from when he started his professional career. In his first lesson, he implored students to create connections, and keep them saying that life is a team sport. When students become professionals they will need a team of talented, like-minded individuals to help bring their ideas to life.
“Bendinger emphasized that life is a team sport,” audience member Rene Barboza said. “This man genuinely is here to help this generation prosper.”
Bendinger’s second lesson to students was to broaden their view. The marketing model has changed from advertising on paid media to advertising on virtual platforms such as websites and social media. Bendinger introduced students to the MarCom Matrix. In this model he created, personal branding is the center. In order to supplement personal branding, students must focus on promotions, their online presence and finally verbal and visual values.
“Bendinger told us to focus on K.I.S.S, Keep It Simple Stupid,” audience member Spencer Borst said. “Our personal brand should be strong and simple.”
The final lesson in Bendinger’s presentation was for students to remember to look for opportunities, be willing to start small and volunteer. He encouraged students to have a spirit of generosity.
“Hearing Bendinger say that having a generous spirit really impacted me,” audience member Cheyenne Griffin said. “Give your gift because you never know what will come of it.”
Bendinger ended his presentation with advice for students. The advice included creating a brand icon, growing their database, understanding their brand story, building their portfolio and finally to find their path and follow it.
Bruce Bendinger’s personal branding matrix shows students how to create the most effective brand for themselves. Photo by Meredyth Wiegand.
Students and professors pack into a small room in the LBJ Student Center to listen to Bruce Bendinger speak about branding in the 21st century. Photo by Meredyth Wiegand.